These updates will be released soon and may already be in place by the time you read this.
The Service Categories feature has been released for a while now but we have built it out a bit more to make it easier to leverage by including a pre-built list of categories (you can still create and use your own if you like).
We are also making the feature available to all companies not just those using Spectora Advanced.
You will also notice that any new service or add-on being created will now have the Service Category field right after the name.

This is a required field just like the name field. The same will be true of any edits to services or add-ons that do not already have an associated Service Category.

For non-advanced users or others that have not used Service Categories before you may adjust any pre-built categories and/or add your own by going to your Services & Fees page and clicking on the Service Categories button at the top

Check out the article here for more information.